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7 Ways to Help Your Business During World Crisis

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Get Stuff Done During Coronavirus downtime!

Lockdowns, shut downs, self-quarantines and of course, social distancing. Unfortunately, many creative entrepreneurs have seen their businesses simply STOP over the last few weeks. Yes, it’s scary, especially if your business involves people coming to you for services.

I’m personally regrouping and embracing this slow time. Remember all those resolutions you made in January, or the business plan you created for 2020? I’ll bet you didn’t check everything off your to do list! Take this newfound time to work ON your business so that when the curtain is lifted, your business will be better positioned for success.

Woman working with MacBook and LaCroix - Angela Brown Photography

Here are 7 ways to help your business during this crazy Coronavirus era of 2020:

  1. Ask clients to write a review of your products or services. You’ve had some amazing clients in the last year but probably haven’t taken the time to let them know how much a review would mean to you. Am I right? I know I haven’t! If you have a Google My Business, link it to a personalized email for instance, asking your client if she would take a few moments to write a review. Or, simply email her and ask if she’d reply with feedback that you can use in your future marketing efforts. Most people are happy to do so when asked!
  2. Update your website. Yes, I know, updating your website is almost as fun as pulling teeth. I get it! It’s been on my to-do list forever. But taking even an hour to refresh images, update text, repurpose old blog posts or write a new blog post can make you feel like you accomplished something. Yes!
  3. Work on your craft. It’s easy to get busy on business and never work to improve your craft. This is a great opportunity to use the found time to improve! For me personally, I am constantly learning and taking classes, but I rarely take the time to go back to my studio and work on different lighting, or techniques. What can you do to improve YOUR craft?
  4. Update your pricing and price menu. As a photographer, I struggle with taking time to update my pricing and product guides each year. If it’s been a few years since you’ve reviewed your prices, this slower time is a great opportunity to update your cost of doing business, adjust your pricing, etc.
  5. Reaffirm (or create!) your social media strategy. It’s a drain, isn’t it? That constant feeling that you need to be more active on social media? We have time now to do it. If you’ve done a personal branding photo shoot recently, things are easier for you! You can use an old fashioned calendar to plan your posts, or use a social media planner like Planoly to schedule, so that when things get better, you’ll have this checked off your list. (
  6. Stay Positive! This is not the time to mope around. Take advantage of this newfound time. Chances are, you didn’t get everything done that you wanted to in January. It’s way easier to stay focused when you are positive!

What things are you doing to work ON your business these days? Follow me on Instagram ( and add your comments to my recent post.