Branding & Headshots

Why Branding Photos Matter Even for Referral-Based Businesses

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You might be thinking, “Most of my clients come from word-of-mouth referrals, so do I really need branding images on my website?” I say ABSOLUTELY! Even if referrals bring in most of your business, having strong visuals on your site can amplify your credibility, enhance trust, and give potential clients that extra nudge to book you. Branding images for referral-based businesses are super important for many reasons.

Two female business partners looking at a laptop together.

Let me share how my clients, Gigi VanderWeele and Susan Carroll, experienced this firsthand. Gigi and Susan are owners of Your Personal Memoir, LLC. The Pleasant Ridge, Michigan business specializes in bespoke memoir writing and publishing of family history. I consider this service an investment to families that is worth every penny.

First Impressions Matter – Even for Referrals

Referrals might bring people to your site, but it’s your branding images (and your stories) that make them stay. As Gigi shares, “While the majority of our business arrives via word of mouth, our website is often the first thing prospective clients check out. We know if our website isn’t impressive, there is no chance we will get potential client calls.”

This is an important point: Just because someone is referred to your business, it doesn’t mean they will automatically book you! A cohesive set of branding images that reflect who you are and what your business offers is appealing when someone first visits your website.

branding images for referral-based businesses. business owner interviews a client.

Build Trust and Familiarity

Even with glowing referrals, potential clients want to see you. High-quality branding images give your website a personal feel, helping prospects feel connected to you before they even reach out.

Gigi says “After 15 years, we knew we needed to update our headshots. But it was Angie who encouraged us to take our photo shoot to the next level. She outlined the importance of adding better product shots, photos that represent our memoir writing process and glimpses of us interacting with clients. As a result, we went from a website filled with nostalgic, yet generic family snapshots, to a website actually illustrating what we do—helping people write their memoirs.”

This transformation made the business feel more approachable and professional, fostering trust from the very first website visit. It also did a much better job visually presenting their finished book products and illustrating the joy clients find when they share their stories.

Show Your Authority With Your Consistency

Consistent branding imagery across your website, social media, and marketing materials helps establish you as a professional in your field. Their new branding images didn’t just improve the website; they inspired Susan and Gigi to update the entire look and feel of their online presence. “Our new photos inspired us to revise our website text to present a more consistent new look,” Gigi says.

Consistency shows that you’re serious about your business, and totally worth the premium price you charge! It’s about showing that you’re the expert in your space, which in turn makes your brand enticing — especially for clients who came through referrals.

branding images for referral-based businesses.
 owners meeting with a new client in her home.

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Referrals are great, but you’re not the only one receiving them! If you run a business where people have multiple options, your branding images can make a big difference. High-quality visuals that showcase your personality, work, and brand values can help you stand out from the rest and make you worth the investment.

In the case of Your Personal Memoir, the new branding images not only updated its look but also gave the women a fresh reason to promote their website. “The brand photos and headshots gave us an excellent excuse to promote our updated website via social media, which led to a spike in our site activity and potentially new referrals. We have never been busier,” Gigi says.

Individual and together environmental headshots of two entrepreneurs. branding images for referral-based businesses

Show Them You’re Worth Every Penny

It’s one thing if you sell inexpensive widgets. It’s completely different, though, if you sell high ticket offerings, especially luxury services! Your business may have been recommended, but a visit to your website is just a given for a major investment.

If your happy client recommends you to a friend, you don’t want him to visit your website and see something old, outdated or just inconsistent with what he expected. He’ll move on, because the site didn’t resonate with the experience he’d hoped. Make sure your site has polished visuals and a compelling story to avoid brand failure!

Even if your business thrives on referrals, branding images on your website are essential for making a lasting impression, building trust, and standing out. As Your Personal Memoir’s story shows, updating your branding visuals can breathe new life into your business, increase site activity, and keep your referral network growing stronger than ever.

A collection of books made by a storytelling business.

Branding images for referral-based businesses are so important! Want to learn more about Your Personal Memoir LLC and to see their new brand images in action on the website? Take a peek and see why they’re so happy with their updated site.

To learn more about personal brand photography and whether it’s right for you and your business, here’s an article I wrote to help you decide!