“Are you sure you want me to do your senior portraits? I know a lot of senior photographer friends and I’m happy to hire one to do yours!”
That’s what you heard me saying to my daughter last summer. Considering I get major eyeroll action any time I try to photograph her, I thought it was a valid question!
Lauren insisted that I be the chosen one. We set a date, worked on clothing and, in an attempt to deflect any arguments during the shoot, I recruited my good friend Gina to tag along and “be the mom.” I needed her to help fix Lauren’s hair, check clothing, hold the reflector, be the peacemaker, etc.
We had a great session and it was even a bit emotional for me! Luckily, I was also the photographer so it would have been awkward to be crying behind the camera!
Lauren and I decided to do a second senior portrait session on Easter Sunday in Old Town Lansing. That was just the two of us and I’m really happy with those images as well.
If you visit my studio this summer you’ll see no less than three wall portraits of Lauren. I’m so used to having other seniors on my wall that it’s a nice change to have my own kid represented!
Lauren will be off to Michigan this fall. And who knows, maybe when she comes home for break she’ll be open to doing a “college freshman” session. I probably shouldn’t hold my breath! 🙂