Are you afraid to get professional hair and makeup done for your personal branding photo session? Afraid you’ll look too glam, too fake, too unnatural? I used to worry about that, too. I mean, I wanted to look like I took my business seriously but did NOT want to look like I was on my […]

5 Reasons to get Professional Hair and Makeup for your Brand Photo Shoot

Confident professional woman in branding photo shoot in Michigan

Branding & Headshots

Your brand colors – you may have chosen them because you love them, but they mean so much more to your business. Brand colors can invoke a feeling when your clients and followers see it. They also come to expect a certain color (or colors) when they think of you. Wearing your brand colors, both […]

The Power of Wearing Your Brand Colors

Woman in beige jacket looking at her camera

Branding & Headshots

You’re ready to make a very important investment in your business – it’s time to select a brand photographer! But how do you know what to look for; and who can help you achieve your goals? Personal brand photography is a very specialized field of photography, different than wedding or family photography. You’ll also see […]

How to Select a Brand Photographer

Branding & Headshots

Have you developed a strategy in your photography business to use client testimonials? Client testimonials give prospective customers an insight into the experience of working with you. It can give you the street cred needed to make that perfect client decide to fill out your contact form and start working with you. Before you can […]

How to Get and Use Client Testimonials

woman in turquoise writing a testimonial for a photographer

For Photographers

So you’re a product maker! Let me guess – – your biggest photography pain point is getting good photos of your creations. Am I right? While it’s certainly vital to have beautiful product images, they aren’t the only images that a maker needs. A library of branding images in addition to your product photos elevates […]

5 Brand Photos Product Makers Need

jewelry designer images

Branding & Headshots