My mom recently moved into a retirement home apartment, and we wanted it to feel like home to her. So, I recently spent an afternoon with my brother hanging a collection of old family photos onto her wall. I realized that so many small photos had the potential to make her room very chaotic, so […]

five rules for arranging old family photos

Living with Photography

It’s strange when you have all sorts of plans – especially at this time of year – and something happens to put all those great plans on the back burner. I have lots of fun stuff to post this spring for your reading pleasure, and I hope to carry on soon. I want to do […]

life gets in the way

Studio News

On this Christmas Eve day, I thought I would share with you a cute little “story” I did for a photography class. It was back in 2007 when I was very new with my photography training. We needed to tell a story with four images that we orchestrated ourselves. I enlisted help from my friend, […]

a christmas story ~ my way

Living with Photography

We’ve been in our home for 11 years and I can barely remember a time when we’ve lost power for more than a few hours. However, Sunday evening’s uber-strong winds left us powerless. We were all doing our own things. I was editing an album spread for Kelsey, a senior client. Curt was watching TV […]

“power” of the family ~ life lessons after the storm

Studio News

I’m finishing up family portrait season this weekend, but family portraits are done all year around. Let’s face it – family portraits are soooo important. Meaningful to us as parents, and even more important to our kids. Kids feel confident and loved when they are surrounded everyday by portraits of themselves and their families. Why, […]

family portraits [and the importance of just doing it!]

Living with Photography