Why am I always so lucky to get such amazing seniors to photograph each year? The class of 2021 got the short stick just like the class before them, but Covid messed with this class’s school year even more than 2020’s. The seniors I photographed this year were all great sports, trying to make the […]

Class of 2021 Senior Gallery


Should you be friends with your clients? And: should your friends become your clients? I’ve been pondering this since I heard a podcast about it a few months ago. The truth is, I have BECOME friends with many of my clients. And over the years, my friends have BECOME my clients. Both situations can be […]

Should You be Friends With Your Clients?

two female entrepreneurs drinking wine

Business Tips

Every year I compile a new printed product guide for my high school senior families. It’s super helpful as they decide what types of beautiful products they would love to have. Inside the eight page book I show lots of real examples of the albums I offer, wall portrait images, and other products I love. […]

Senior Cover Girls Over the Years


While I was building my new site, people asked me why I switched my website from WordPress to Showit. After all, isn’t WordPress the granddaddy of websites? The short answer is YES! WordPress is an amazing, powerful platform for websites and blogs. Then why did I make the switch? I’ve used WordPress for the last […]

Why I Switched my Website from WordPress to Showit

Studio News

Personal brand photography is vital to growing a business and your personal brand! These 7 unexpected ways to use branding images might help you realize why hiring a branding photographer is worth the investment! You have so many things to purchase in your business! Branding images might not be at the top of your list. […]

7 Unexpected Ways to Use Branding Images

Woman at Mac laptop with coffee cup

Branding & Headshots